
Sunday (11/3) WOD:   Karen   150 Wallballs for time (20/14)   Strength:   Front Squats 3×3 @ 85%          
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Not everyone feels the same way about competing. Some look forward to it and spend all their time training for Competition Day – when they finally get to go head to head. But others, others tentatively sign up to compete, saying in the very least they will show up and do their best. Perhaps they...
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  Thursday (10/31) WOD Prep: PVC Pipe Pec Stretch 1 x 12 / Side   1. "Grace" For Time 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) * 6 Minute Time Cap   WOD Strategy from Jason: "Grace" is a sprint, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  If you are not under 6 minutes you have not...
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Tuesday 102913 WOD Prep: Wall Slides 3 x 10 1.  Metcon AMRAP 10: 15 Wall Balls, 20/14 30 Double unders WOD Strategy from Jason:  10 minutes is a little long to sprint but too short to pace it.  On the Wall Balls, set a comfortable pace and try to go UB.  If you must rest...
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  WOD Strategy "Liquid Cocaine" is a sprint.  We are setting a generous time limit with 10 minutes, but this Met-Con is definitely meant to be completed in under 5 minutes.  The cleans should be done either as TNG or with a drop and no hesitation right back to the bar.  Focus on form from...
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    Saturday (10/26) WOD Prep: Joint Mobility   1. "Cindy" 20 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats   2. Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 80%1RM * Rest as needed between working sets. * 15 Minute Time Cap    
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Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar   Thursday (10/24) WOD Prep: Scap Push-Ups 1 x 12 Groiners 1 x 12   1. For Time: 100 Burpees * Every Minute on the Minute STOP and perform 8 Toes To Bar. **...
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Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Tuesday (10/21) WOD Prep: Squat Therapy 3 x 15   1. 5 Rounds For Time of: 15 Pull ups 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 25 Wall Balls (20/14) * 20 Minute Time Cap   2....
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