Check out the 90 Day Challenge PDF. If you have any questions, comments, or conerns, please post here! Thanks and we look forward to another amazing year!Read More
There are so many things I enjoy, but I would have to say my favorite is the athletes. I know whether you are a beginner or a competitor that the 'family' at Albany CrossFit is there for you. When you are doing a WOD or working on a new skill there is always someone there who is...Read More
On the Level 1 Seminar staff we often have discussions, mostly about CrossFit. The conversations and debates are typically about CrossFit methodology, training, and philosophy. Fun Stuff. Recently we re-read this article, "Fooling around with Fran." This led to opnions on what breakdown of reps and rounds of 45 Thrusters and 45 Pull-ups would lead...Read More
What I enjoy the most about Albany CrossFit is the people. I'm nearly 30 years old, and have had the same group of friends since middle school. I've made connections at Albany CrossFit that I know will be long lasting relationships for years to come. There truly is something about the challenges of CrossFit you...Read More
We will be starting an all new tradition here at Albany CrossFit…the 25 days of Christmas/Chanukah Challenge. For 5 weeks, Monday thru Friday beginning November 18th we will be adding a challenge, 25 days total. Max Mondays, Twofer Tuesdays, Hump Day Wednesday, Time Trial Thursdays, and Atypical Fridays. The challenges will be short in...Read More
I was doing my WOD where people had to take turns. I was getting a littke bored which always gets me in trouble! Up walks Coach Dave Blomquist. I knew he was a coach but I didn't really know him. Dave says "don't even think about it!" "Think about what?" I replied in a decidedly...Read More
What do I enjoy the most about Albany CrossFit. Do I enjoy the community and support the most? Or do I enjoy the knowledgeable and gifted coaching staff the most? I couldn’t decide so I looked up the definition of "enjoy." What I found was “to take delight or pleasure in” and also “possess and...Read More
We are proud to welcome Kat as the newest member of our Albany CrossFit intern team. Kat comes to us with years of CrossFit experience, as well as being a high-school teacher and track coach! Her attitude is always positive and contagious. We have watched Kat go from scaling every WOD to now hitting all...Read More