Lisa Johnson: We are family.

There are so many things I enjoy, but I would have to say my favorite is the athletes. I know whether you are a beginner or a competitor that the 'family' at Albany CrossFit is there for you. When you are doing a WOD or working on a new skill there is always someone there who is cheering you on or has your back. I think our community is unique and I always feel like no matter how it grows or changes that there is a family aspect there that will never change.
I have a competitors spirit and so I will never leave Albany CrossFit. I constantly feel the desire to come back. I feel sucked in =). I know that the community makes me come back, but more than that my inner desire to improve at CrossFit and life keeps me coming back as well.  I have lofty goals and the competitive nature pushes me to keep coming back and the encouragement of the community helps feed that.
In my life I have improved a lot. Before CrossFit I was very overweight and have lost 100 plus pounds and gained a lot of muscle. So in that way, I have changed and improved. In the world of CrossFit all my lifts are heavier and my gymnastics and endurance are improving daily.  I could not ask for more. Learning new skills and building on skills I already have.
My everyday life, I have so much more energy! Before Crossfit I had let myself go after having two kids and put on a lot of weight and buried my prior athletic self. So now, I have that energy back, and being in the best shape of my life. I can honestly say that today, in the here and now I am in the best shape of my life. I have more energy to work, play, enjoy life and be the best mom I can be for my kids. My kids now have to keep up with me instead of me trying to keep up with them!
Albany CrossFit has become a huge part in my life and my heart. I would have to say my favorite moment was doing Crossfit for Hope 2012.  Our community came together all to support St. Jude and we raised a huge amount of money but it was more than that it was the support of the athletes all coming together for one major goal and working together and the constant encouragement and push by our coaches that day and watching them hit it as well, was just so eye opening to me at that point, showing me how all our athletes and coaches are one.

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