
Saturday April 26th Albany CrossFit Presents… The 5th installment of the Capital Region Rumble This is a free competition is free for all capital region CrossFit athletes. The teams are XY consisting of one male and one female. There will be both an RX and Scaled Division. Arrive by 11:30am at Albany CrossFit, the first...
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“I would rather do a heavy Fran any day over regular Fran” said the instructor at my Level One.  Even as he went on to explain himself, I thought he was crazy.  Heavier = harder, right?  He said the reason that he would rather do a “heavy Fran” (ie: with a prescribed weight of more than 95#) is...
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Tabata, AMRAP, WOD, RX, ATG, EMOM, Globo, SDHP, TBF, RX, TTB, CFT, and a personal favorite, PR. And that’s just a small sampling. A sampling of the Language of CrossFit. Go anywhere and hear one of these terms across a crowded room uttered by a perfect stranger, and if you’re a CrossFitter, your ear immediately...
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Setting goals and reaching milestones The Open is a great test to see where you stack up against the rest of the world. It unveils an athlete’s strengths as well as their weaknesses and because of this we are able to set goals and reach milestones. While a number of athletes reached milestones this games...
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Determination Some people say Crossfitters walk a little bit taller (not literally in my case), and I would have to agree. There is sense of accomplishment that you feel at the end of a WOD that is infectious. It stirs a drive, a passion, a determination within that carries over to our lives outside the...
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Now that the 2014 CrossFit Games Open has come to a close, I had a few weeks to process what actually went down during those 5 weeks. CrossFit itself is a unique journey for each individual and I would like to use the Open to illustrate some of the things I have learned about CrossFit...
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