The Language of CrossFit. –Coach Mary

Tabata, AMRAP, WOD, RX, ATG, EMOM, Globo, SDHP, TBF, RX, TTB, CFT, and a personal favorite, PR. And that’s just a small sampling. A sampling of the Language of CrossFit.

Go anywhere and hear one of these terms across a crowded room uttered by a perfect stranger, and if you’re a CrossFitter, your ear immediately tunes in; ‘Did someone just say Fran?’ You can’t help yourself.

It’s like a secret handshake.

Here’s some refreshers:

ATG: Ass To Grass, your goal in the squat.

Beast Mode: This is personal. It’s that place you go deep in your mind, when everything else disappears except what’s in front of you and you say to yourself; I’ve got this.

CFT: The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.

CNS: The Central Nervous System is the part of the nervous system that integrates the information that it receives from, and coordinates the activity of, all parts of the body. It has two main components, the brain and spinal cord. When you get stronger you are not only training the muscles – you are also training the CNS.

GPP: General Physical Preparedness is specializing in not specializing, creating a broad and general base of fitness, a ready state.

GTG: Grease the Groove means practice, practice, practice. Practice constantly but never take yourself to failure.

Pood: A Russian unit of measurement used for kettlebells. 1 pood =16 kg/35 lbs; 1.5 pood = 24 kg/53 lbs; 2 pood = 32 kg/71 lbs.

Tabata: 20 seconds of a very high intensity movement, followed by

10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes. The idea for Tabata training originated from Dr. Izumi Tabata, a professor at the Faculty of Sport and Health Science at Ritsumeikan University in Japan, and at the time, the head coach of the Japanese speed skating team.

YBF: You’ll Be Fine. Jay’s response to all whiners.

CrossFit did not invent a lot of these terms, but the words come to life every day in our community.

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