WOD 21-15-9 Row For Calories Power Clean (135/95) 12 minute time cap Fitness Pistol progression work Sport Work on Pistols for 10 minutes 25 Days of Christmas Max effort Overhead Plate Hold (45/25) Read More
I've heard more and more frustration about athletes stuck doing ring rows instead of pull-ups, or using a box for HSPU. There are more scaling options then simply reverting back to what you know. Let's take for example someone that has a few good pull-ups, say 3 consecutive. A WOD such as "Fran" comes up...Read More
I have noticed in classes as of late, that many of the females in the gym fear the use of the men's bar. I have been using only a men's bar for the past 3 months and have seen a significant increase in grip strength in doing so. Here is a list of reasons why...Read More
written by Chris Anderson: As you lace up your shoes you look up. You see them as they enter the triple-wide. Your eyes meet and you exchange hellos. Your tone is pleasant but your intent is clear: today your goal is to win. You relish the opportunity to compete against them. They beat you in...Read More
This Week's Mobility Strength: 7 x 1 3-Position Clean + 1 Jerk @ Heavy As Possible * Rest 60 Seconds Between Working Sets ** Position #1 – Low Hang 2" off the Floor. ** Position #2 – Just Above The Knees. ** Position #3 – Hi-Hang – Mid Thigh. *** All Sets Should Be Done Without...Read More
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: CrossFit Warm-Up 3 x 12 * 12 Minute Time Cap Strength: 3 Sets of the Following: 5 Bent Over Row (Supinated Grip) * Heavy As Possible Without Sacrificing Technique Then… Max Effort Push-Ups ** Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets Conditioning:...Read More