WOD Open 11.5 20 minute AMRAP: 5 Power Cleans (145/100) 10 Toes to bar 15 Wall Balls (20/14) WOD Strategy 20 minutes can be a long time, so we must choose a weight on the power clean that we can do 5 unbroken reps for at least 6-8 rounds. When we get to toes to...Read More
Fitness WOD Open WOW 13.3 12 minute AMRAP: 150 Wall balls (20/14) 90 Double-unders 30 Muscle-ups WOD Strategy This workout starts off with Karen (150 wall balls). Our strategy has to be a little different then if we were just doing Karen. I recommend setting a rep scheme in mind (15 sets of...Read More
Check out the 90 Day Challenge PDF. If you have any questions, comments, or conerns, please post here! Thanks and we look forward to another amazing year!Read More
WOD 4RFT: 500m Row 4 Muscle ups 40 Double unders 20 Minute time cap Fitness Skills 10 Minutes Double Under Practice Sport Skills 2 mins max double unders 1 min rest 2 mins max double unders 25 Days of Christmas 2 minute AMRAP 5 Burpees to a 45 lb bumper plate...Read More
There are so many things I enjoy, but I would have to say my favorite is the athletes. I know whether you are a beginner or a competitor that the 'family' at Albany CrossFit is there for you. When you are doing a WOD or working on a new skill there is always someone there who is...Read More
WOD: 7 minute AMRAP: 3-6-9-12…. Power Snatches (115/80) Burpees Fitness 16 Rounds Tabata: 4 Rounds of each movement (finish all four rounds and then move on to the next movement) Lunges Russian Kettlebell swings Air Squats Abmat situps Sport Olympic Lifting: Snatch 5RM Touch and Go 15 minute time cap 25...Read More
On the Level 1 Seminar staff we often have discussions, mostly about CrossFit. The conversations and debates are typically about CrossFit methodology, training, and philosophy. Fun Stuff. Recently we re-read this article, "Fooling around with Fran." This led to opnions on what breakdown of reps and rounds of 45 Thrusters and 45 Pull-ups would lead...Read More
What I enjoy the most about Albany CrossFit is the people. I'm nearly 30 years old, and have had the same group of friends since middle school. I've made connections at Albany CrossFit that I know will be long lasting relationships for years to come. There truly is something about the challenges of CrossFit you...Read More