
Strength: 3 Sets: 10 Barbell Rows (Supinated Grip) Rest 10 seconds Max Handstand Pushups Rest 90 seconds   Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Clean and Jerks (135/95) Run 400m   This Week's Mobility:
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This Week's Mobility Strength: High Bar Back Squat 1 x 20 * This should be (1) maximal set. ** Select a weight that all repetitions can be completed with. *** If performed last week, go heavier. **** Take time to build up to this (1) working set.   Conditioning: For Time: 9 Bar Muscle-Ups 18...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: Floor Press 7 x 3 * 3 Second Pause When Triceps Touch The Mat ** Heaviest Weight Possible *** Rest 90 Seconds Between Sets   Conditioning: "Elisabeth" For Time: 21-15-9 Power Cleans Ring Dips
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This Week's Mobility Strength: Every 40 Seconds For 4 Minutes: 2 (Touch and Go) Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk @ 70%1RM Conditioning: With A Partner Complete 5 Rounds For Time Each of: Partner A) 20 Calorie Row Partner B) Max Effort Burpees (Rounds 1,3 & 5) Ab Mat Situps (Rounds 2 & 4) *...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: High Bar Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 75%1RM * Rest 60 Seconds Between Working Sets ** Quick Descent, Pause 3 Seconds in the Bottom, Bounce and Quick Back Up.   Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time of: Run 400m 10 Thrusters (135/95) * 12 Minute Time Cap
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This Week's Mobility Strength: 7 x 1 – 2 Position Snatch * Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets ** Heavy As Possible *** Position #1 is from the floor. Position #2 is from the low hang approximately 2" from the floor. Do not drop the bar between positions.   Conditioning: 30 Push Press (135/95) 30 Over-The-Box...
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This Week's Mobility  Strength: 30 Turkish Get-Ups *15 Right and 15 Left, partitioned as necessary   Conditioning: 10 Minute AMRAP: 7 Pullups 7 Burpees
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This Week's Mobility Strength: High Bar Back Squat 1 x 20 * This should be (1) maximal set. ** Last week 70%1RM was used. Select a weight slightly higher than that. Use fractional plates if necessary. *** Take time to build up to this (1) working set. Conditioning: "Amanda" 9-7-5 Muscle Ups Snatch (135/95) *...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: Deadlift 7 x 3 @ 55%1RM * Rest 60 Seconds Between Working Sets   Conditioning: 10 Minute AMRAP of: 10 Pull-Ups 15 Power Snatches (75/55) 20 Push-Ups
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