
Attention: The 5pm an 6pm classes are canceled tonight Friday (8/23) for Friday Night Fights. There are still plenty of people looking to create teams for tonights event. You do not have to sign up, just show up and we will put you on a team!   Sunday (8/18) WOD Prep:  Kettlebell Arm Bar *...
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Written by Alex Cadmus This might be a biased post from my point of view because I've seen Pete progress to where he is today from the very beginning.The first day he stepped into boot camp, with his long slicked back hair under a backwards hat; "just call me 'Gannon,'" he says. First thought was,...
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Sunday (8/11) WOD Prep: A) Foam Roll IT Band * 1 x 30 Passes Per Side B) Foam Roll Calves * 1 x 30 Passes Per Side   1. "Badger" 3 Rounds for Time of: 30 Cleans (95) 30 Pull-Ups 800m Run * 30 Minute Time Cap   In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer...
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We are already in August, can you believe it!?  Here's what we have coming up for the remainder of the summer…   For those of you unaware August will be Ali and Alex's last month at Albany CrossFit as they are moving to South Carolina.  We are sad to see them leave, but we know...
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  Sunday (8/4) WOD Prep: Executive Hip Mobilization * 2 Minutes Per Side   Strength: Deadlift 5 x 3 @ 75%1RM * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets ** No 1RM%?: Go Slightly Heavier Than Last Week * 20 Minute Time Cap   Conditioning: For Time of: 25 Overhead Squats (95/65) 50 Shoot Throughs (Forward +...
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  Sunday (7/28) WOD Prep: Posterior Chain Floss * 2 Minutes Per Side   Strength: Deadlift 5 x 5 @ 70%1RM * Rest 3 Minutes Between Sets ** No 1RM%?: Go Slightly Heavier Than Last Week * 20 Minute Time Cap   Conditioning: 4 Rounds For Time of: 60' Kettlebell Death March (53/35) 25 Wall...
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