Sunday 081113 To Saurday 081713

Sunday (8/11)
WOD Prep:
* 1 x 30 Passes Per Side
* 1 x 30 Passes Per Side
1. "Badger"
3 Rounds for Time of:
30 Cleans (95)
800m Run
* 30 Minute Time Cap
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq.
Injury Prevention:
A) LAX Ball in Forearms 1 x 30 Passes Per Side
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Monday (8/12)
WOD Prep:
B) Inchworms (Regular) 1 x 20
1. 15 Minute AMRAP of "Diane":
Complete 21-15-9-21-15-9 As Many Times As Possible in 15 Minutes.
Deadlift (225/155)
2. 10 Minutes To Establish a 5RM Touch n' Go Snatch
3. 10 Minutes To Establish a 5RM Touch n' Go Clean & Jerk
Injury Prevention:
A) Foam Roll Lower Back 1 x 30 Passes
B) Foam Roll Upper Back 1 x 30 Passes
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Tuesday (8/13)
WOD Prep:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* 2 Minutes Per Side
1. 10 Minute AMRAP of "Fran":
Complete 21-15-9-21-15-9 As Many Times As Possible in 10 Minutes.
Thrusters (95/65)
2. Every Minute On The Minute For 10 Minutes:
6 Pistols (Alternating)
Injury Prevention:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* Accumulate 2 Minutes Total
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Wednesday (8/14)
WOD Prep:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
1. Establish a 1RM Deadlift in 25 Minutes.
10 Minute AMRAP of:
10 Deadlifts (115/75)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
Injury Prevention:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* Accumulate 5 Minutes
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Thursday (8/15)
WOD Prep:
1. "Boat Race"
3 Rounds For Time of:
500m Row
400m Run
* Rest Exactly 1 Minutes Between Rounds
* 15 Minute Time Cap
2. Every Minute On The Minute For 10 Minutes:
2 Snatches @ 65%1RM
3. Every Minute On The Minute For 12 Minutes:
Odd: 4 Back Squats @ Heavy As Possible
Even: 8 Push-Ups
Injury Prevention:
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Friday (8/16)
WOD Prep:
* Accumulate 2 Minutes Total



1. 3 Rounds For Time of:
200m Run Carrying A Wall Ball (20/14)
20 Goblet Squats (70/53)
* 10 Minute Time Cap
2. Every Minute On The Minute For 12 Minutes:
Odd: 3-5 Muscle Ups
Even: 5 Squat Therapy
Injury Prevention:
A) Wall Slides 1 x 15 Per Side
* 2 Minutes Per Side
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class
Saturday (8/17)
WOD Prep:
A) Prone Bird Dog 1 x 20
B) Fire Hydrants 1 x 12 Per Side
1. With A Partner Complete For Time:
1000m Row (500m Each)
150 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
100 Pull-Ups
* One Athlete Works While The Other Rest.
** No Partner?: Cut The Reps In Half
* 35 Minute Time Cap
Injury Prevention:
* Spend Atleast 10 Minutes Rolling Out Your Body.
* Injury Prevention Is To Be Done On Your Own After Class