At Albany CrossFit I like the quality of coaching, the attention to detail in teaching form, the general friendliness of the people you run into on any given day. But it's the results that keep me coming back. You put in as much as you want to get out of it. From general wellness to...Read More
I struggle to pick one thing I enjoy most about Albany CrossFit; perhaps this is a cop-out choice but I think what I enjoy most is how different every visit can be. One night I may surprise myself with my performance in the WOD. During a different class I will learn a new skill or...Read More
I enjoy the Albany CrossFit community the best, hands down, second to none. It's all people around my age, with the same goals, the same likes, the same struggles, they understand when I get so excited about achieving a goal because they want those goals too. The Towers (Lynn and Mary) play a big part...Read More