
Link of the Day Warm-Up: Row 500m 20 Burpees Warm-Up Push Jerk WOD: I. 5 Sets: 1 Legless Rope Ascent 5 Push Jerks (155/100) 6 Box Jump-Overs (24/20) Row/Bike/Ski 20 seconds @ 100% effort *Rest 6 minutes actively between sets Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors:...
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: Group Dynamic + Ankle and Hip Mobility WOD: I. 5 Sets: 20 Unbroken Chest-to-Bar Pullups Rest 20 seconds 25 Unbroken Wall Balls Rest 20 seconds 30 Unbroken Double-Unders *Rest 5 minutes between sets Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors: **Come in...
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up + Snatch Skill Transfer WOD: I. 4 Sets of the following sequence: 1 Power Snatch 1 Snatch Balance 1 Overhead Squat *80% effort *Rest 90 seconds between sets II. On the minute for 8 minutes: 3 Clean and Jerks (185/135) 6 Kettlebell Swings (88/53) Scaling options for all...
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Link Of The Day Warm-Up: Run 200m 20 Burpees Run 200m 20 Pistols WOD: I. With a Partner: AMRAP in 10 Minutes: 10 Deadlifts (135/95) 5 Burpees Rest 2 Minutes II. With a Partner: AMRAP in 10 Minutes: 10 Wall Balls (20/14) 5 Toes-to-Bar Rest 2 Minutes III. Run 800m for time Scaling options for...
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Link Of The Day Warm Up: Practice Pistols for 10 Minutes WOD: I. 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Burpees 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Pushups 40 Air Squats 50 Lunges (Total) II. 100 Hollow Rocks Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   ACF Endurance Team: 1 – CrossFit...
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Reminder: There are No Classes at CrossFit Clifton Park on Saturday 6/9.  There WOD at 7am and 10am at Albany CrossFit, participants in the 10am “Hope” must already be signed-up for their respective heats or they will not be guaranteed to hit the workout. Link Of The Day Warm Up: Group Dynamic WOD: I. “Hope”...
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Link Of The Day Warm Up: Junkyard Dog WOD: I. With a partner, AMRAP in 15 Minutes 10 Overhead Lunges (45/25) 10 Pullups *One Partner moving at a time Rest 5 Minutes II.  With a partner, AMRAP in 15 minutes 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 10 Burpees *One Partner moving at a time III. Stretch and...
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Link Of The Day Warm Up: Group Dynamic WOD: I. Deadlift 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 II. AMRAP in 5 Minutes: WallBalls (20/14) Rest 3 minutes III. AMRAP 5 minutes: Ring Pushups Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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Link Of The Day Warm Up: Burgener Warm-Up WOD: I. Power Clean 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 II. On the minute for 15 minutes: 4 Burpees 8 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) III. Tabata Flutter Kicks Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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Link Of The Day Warm up: 2 Rounds: 15 Kettlebell Swings 15 Romanian Deadlifts (with Kettlebell) 15 Goblet Squats WOD: I. Front Squat 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 II. 5 Rounds For Time: 10 Push Press (75/55) 20 Box Jumps (24/20) *15 Minute Cap Scaling options for all ability levels will...
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