You may have seen her working hard in the triple-wide – she hits WODs on the regular, typically in the morning. Having graduated from On Ramp in January, Brandy is a newer member with a beaming smile and friendly approach, but don’t let that fool you… since day one we could tell Brandy is a...Read More
Warning: This post will not help your form. This post will not help you mobilize. This post will not help you eat right. This post WILL solidify that you are in the right place for at least an hour a day. Work suck? Want to slap a co-worker? Argument with your significant other? Is everyone...Read More
Day in and day out we as cross fitters put our bodies through a lot of punishment. Some do it to either get in shape or to stay in shape. This is generally a larger portion of our community. There are also those individuals that treat CrossFit as a sport. For these individuals every workout...Read More
Summer Fun! Look for announcements and news on the following events: Mission Hope Friday Night Fights Summer Blow Out Fall Face Off —– Cleaning Service We love the enthusiasm for fitness, now let’s get excited about keeping the gym neat and tidy! Follow these simple steps: 1. Use disinfectant wipes and sprays to give items...Read More
As I sit here tonight, unpacking and washing clothes and watching the archived video from this past weekends CrossFit games, I started to process what actually happened this weekend. I looked forward to this weekend for such a long time. It would be my first time to the CrossFit Regionals, and it would be my...Read More
Announcing Albany CrossFit’s first ever maternity leave! As if you can’t tell…Kat is about to pop! Next week will be her last week coaching, from there she will continue to show up Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm, but in an assistant role for our newest addition to the team, Peter Gannon. Kat has been an...Read More
Maya Angelou passed away today. As I read through highlights from the huge volume of inspirational work she produced during her lifetime, I’m overcome with total admiration for one woman who could come from so little and do so much, dig so deeply and touch so many. If you are familiar with Dr. Angelou you...Read More
What goes through your head before a big lift? Chances are the answer will be very different depending on what you have going on inside your pants. Have you ever seen DM Blomquist, Andrew Moritz or Nike Germano attempt a PR? If you have, you’ll know it. Each of them let out this savage shout,...Read More
This upcoming Monday is our 7th Annual Memorial Day Murph! Jason Murphy and crew will be here to coach you through this amazing Hero WOD. 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squat 1 mile Run The set-up will be Outside is RX and the Double is for scaling only. The triple can be...Read More