Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit Nate (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 20 minutes 2 Muscle-Ups 4 Handstand Push-Ups 8 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq.To learn more about Nate click hereRead More
Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 x 3:00 AMRAP: 1,000m Bike Max Rep Back Rack Lunges Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs and increase weight each set. Women: 55-65-75-95-105. Men: 75-95-115-135-155. Record the reps for each round.Read More