WOD Strategy "Liquid Cocaine" is a sprint. We are setting a generous time limit with 10 minutes, but this Met-Con is definitely meant to be completed in under 5 minutes. The cleans should be done either as TNG or with a drop and no hesitation right back to the bar. Focus on form from...Read More
Saturday (10/26) WOD Prep: Joint Mobility 1. "Cindy" 20 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats 2. Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 80%1RM * Rest as needed between working sets. * 15 Minute Time Cap Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Due to tomorrow nights event the 4:00pm class will be the last class of the day. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast will start at 6:00pm. Please come early to warm-up. ...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Thursday (10/24) WOD Prep: Scap Push-Ups 1 x 12 Groiners 1 x 12 1. For Time: 100 Burpees * Every Minute on the Minute STOP and perform 8 Toes To Bar. **...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Tuesday (10/21) WOD Prep: Squat Therapy 3 x 15 1. 5 Rounds For Time of: 15 Pull ups 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 25 Wall Balls (20/14) * 20 Minute Time Cap 2....Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Monday (10/21) WOD Prep: Wall Slides 1 x 12 1. For Time: 21 Thrusters (135/95) 800m Run 15 Thrusters (135/95) 400m Run 9 Thrusters (135/95) 200m Run * 15 Minute Time Cap ...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Saturday «10/19» WOD Prep: Kettlebell Arm Bar * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. "Lift up Luke" 5 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Power Cleans (155/105) 24 Double unders 10 Pull-Ups 2. 5 Rounds...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Monday (10/14) WOD Prep: LAX Ball in Forearms * Spend 2 Minutes Per Side 1. 2013 Open WOW 13.4 7 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean & Jerks (135/95) 3 Toes To Bar 6...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Tuesday (10/15) WOD Prep: 5 Minutes of Muscle Up Progression Work Then… Reach, Roll, Lift 1 x 8 / Side 1. 5 Rounds For Time of: 5 Muscle Ups 10 Shoulder to Overhead...Read More
Upcoming Events October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar * Attention!* Tomorrow's WOD (10/14) will be run in an Open Gym style. Coaches will be present to coach the 1RM Snatch. The clocks will be running continuosly for the MetCon (which will not...Read More