Post to Comments one goal you have for the weekend and your WOD results. Saturday (8/24) WOD Prep: A) Partner Hamstring Stretch * Contract / Release 5 Times Per Side With A Partner B) Partner Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch * Lower Your Butt Towards The Floor Slowly. Use a 5 Second Count. Repeat 5...Read More
Our new programming is officially rolled out. Our goal is to provide our athletes with the best possible product, help you get fit, reach your potential, live a healthy, injury free life and be well prepared for the 2014 CrossFit Open. Here are some things to consider: Hit Classes. We specialize in coaching. Get...Read More
Attention: The 5pm an 6pm classes are canceled tonight Friday (8/23) for Friday Night Fights. There are still plenty of people looking to create teams for tonights event. You do not have to sign up, just show up and we will put you on a team! Sunday (8/18) WOD Prep: Kettlebell Arm Bar *...Read More
Sunday (8/11) WOD Prep: A) Foam Roll IT Band * 1 x 30 Passes Per Side B) Foam Roll Calves * 1 x 30 Passes Per Side 1. "Badger" 3 Rounds for Time of: 30 Cleans (95) 30 Pull-Ups 800m Run * 30 Minute Time Cap In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer...Read More
Sunday (8/4) WOD Prep: Executive Hip Mobilization * 2 Minutes Per Side Strength: Deadlift 5 x 3 @ 75%1RM * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets ** No 1RM%?: Go Slightly Heavier Than Last Week * 20 Minute Time Cap Conditioning: For Time of: 25 Overhead Squats (95/65) 50 Shoot Throughs (Forward +...Read More
Sunday (7/28) WOD Prep: Posterior Chain Floss * 2 Minutes Per Side Strength: Deadlift 5 x 5 @ 70%1RM * Rest 3 Minutes Between Sets ** No 1RM%?: Go Slightly Heavier Than Last Week * 20 Minute Time Cap Conditioning: 4 Rounds For Time of: 60' Kettlebell Death March (53/35) 25 Wall...Read More
Sunday (7/21) WOD Prep: LAX Ball In Foot * 2 Minutes Per Side Strength: Deadlift 6 x 3 @ 67% 1RM * Rest 2 Minutes Between Working Sets ** Focus: Bar Speed & Technique *** If You Do Not Know Your 1RM%, Use A Light Weight Slightly Heavier Than Last Week, That You Can...Read More
Sunday (7/14) WOD Prep: Posterior Chain Floss *2 Minutes per Side Strength: Deadlift 12 x 2 @ 65% 1RM * Rest 1 Minute Between Working Sets ** Focus: Bar Speed & Technique *** If You Do Not Know Your 1RM% Use A Light Weight You Can Move Fast / Explosively. * 20 Minute Time...Read More
Thank you to everyone that has helped make CrossFit for Hope 2013 so successful. We have now raised over $20,000 and no doubt when all is said and done our total will be even higher. Events such as the Talent show, Dinner at Mingle, Spin, Mission Hope, Poker, Burpee Mile, Bling, Bikram Yoga, and...Read More