
albany strength and conditioning
  I first attempted CrossFit in 2009, but only on an on again, off again basis. I was terrified of the larger classes, and had so much anxiety that just signing up for a class was daunting.   I'd try to pack my fridge with primal friendly food, but most evenings I'd crave a pizza...
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I chose a link from Crossfit New England as my article/source: http://crossfitnewengland.com/2013/02/20/thursday-2-21-13/ One of the changes I made within the last 6 months that I believe has helped to improve my performance was to start supplementing with protein post WOD.   Based on Laura Acchione’s input, I use SFH whey because it has the shortest ingredient...
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What I enjoy most about Albany CrossFit is getting a chance to wear these slick compression pants that I’ve bought recently. In most other venues, these sporty duds would be considered “inappropriate” or “wearing leggings as pants,” however, toss on a pair of Nanos, and suddenly you’re “on your way home from the gym, so...
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I have struggled with nutrition for a long time.  Maybe “struggled” is not the right term – I have blatantly disregarded nutrition for a long time.  Even before I started CrossFit, I used the fact that I worked out as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted.  Once I started CrossFit – forget it!  Working...
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