I chose a link from Crossfit New England as my article/source: http://crossfitnewengland.com/2013/02/20/thursday-2-21-13/ One of the changes I made within the last 6 months that I believe has helped to improve my performance was to start supplementing with protein post WOD. Based on Laura Acchione’s input, I use SFH whey because it has the shortest ingredient...Read More
Now that you have been hitting the WODs hard in the New Year it’s time you get your nutrition dialed in. Come learn how to fuel your body with the proper nutrition to help you (BE)tter with nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian Laura Acchione. Laura specializes in a whole food and clean eating approach and...Read More
I have a tendency to be very negative about myself. I am a perfectionist and because of that, I sometimes don’t even try. I assume that I will fail. When I started reviewing 2013 I thought it was a failure. I had put back on some of the weight that I had lost and I...Read More
What I enjoy most about Albany CrossFit is getting a chance to wear these slick compression pants that I’ve bought recently. In most other venues, these sporty duds would be considered “inappropriate” or “wearing leggings as pants,” however, toss on a pair of Nanos, and suddenly you’re “on your way home from the gym, so...Read More
I have struggled with nutrition for a long time. Maybe “struggled” is not the right term – I have blatantly disregarded nutrition for a long time. Even before I started CrossFit, I used the fact that I worked out as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. Once I started CrossFit – forget it! Working...Read More
Formal 2014: Saturday, February 15th, 7-11pm. If you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for!? All new Skill Class! Saturdays at 11am. Friday Night Fights is back! January 24th. Pick your poison! We now offer our Endurance class twice each week! Wendesday at 7:15pm and Sundays at 1pm. Have you checked out our Weightlifting...Read More
Jason Murphy continues on his Journey. If you are one of those people that started eating clean January 1st then I congratulate you! I know that if I had started the first it would be setting myself up for failure. I had just gotten a batch of brownies from my Aunt. She has a talent for...Read More