Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility Warm-Up: Row 500 20 Inchworms 30 Overhead Squats (Barbell) Then… Warm-up The Deadlift WOD: I. “Diane“ 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand Pushups II. Tabata Grasshoppers Scaling Levels for all abilities will be provided by your coach. Competitors: Rest Day *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff...Read More
Most weeks we put up a Virtuosity Video to teach you some more about the movements of CrossFit. Tonight we want to learn from you! Please take 5-10 minutes to fill out our latest survey: NEW SURVEY Thanks!Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility Warm-Up: Group Dynamic Then… Shoulder Mobility WOD: I. For Time: 21-18-15-12-9 Toes to Bar Thrusters (95/65) * 20 Minute Time Limit Scaling Levels for all abilities will be provided by your coach. Competitors: Hit The WOD *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in...Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility Warm-Up: Snatch Skill Transfer WOD: I. Snatch – 5 x 2 – Rest As Needed Between Sets II. Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 80% 1RM – Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets III. Chin Ups (Chin Over Vertical Plane) 4 x 15 – Rest 1 Minute Between...Read More
Jenny chimes in on the “need” to drink water mid-WOD: Mid-WOD you become aware of that thick, nasty coating inside your mouth. You think to yourself how gratifying a sip of water would feel. If you stop to drink that water, you’d build in a little rest time too. Should you take a quick break? If...Read More
Ali preaches the importance of getting mobile: Sore, achy, out of whack? The programming has taken a different turn this summer and many of you are pushing yourselves through some of the toughest workouts we have seen in a while. Make sure that you are listening to your body. Take proper amounts of rest days. Use fish oil. Eat properly. Get an...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Run 200 20 Burpee Broad Jumps Run 200m WOD: I. 5 sets @ 90-95%: 5 Muscle-ups 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Kettlebell Swings (Heavy) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Double-Unders Row 15 Calories *Rest walk 3 minutes between sets Scaling Levels for all abilities will...Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility: Warm-Up: Group Dynamic WOD: I. “Bear Complex“ 5 Sets for Max Weight: 7 Reps (1 cycle of the following progression = 1 Rep) Power Clean Front Squat Shoulder to Overhead Back Squat Shoulder to Overhead * The Bar Can Rest Anywhere Except For The...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Row 500m 30 Jumping Alternating Lunges 30 Hip Extensions WOD: I. 5 Rounds For Time: 15 Deadlifts (225/155) 35 Abmat Sit Ups * 20 Minute Time Cap II. 4 Minutes Per Leg In The "Couch Stretch" III. 5 Minutes In The Pike Stretch Scaling options for...Read More