–"Stephen" – Monday, September 3rd, 10am. This is our 3rd annual event. Jason will leading this yearly memorial WOD, as we come together to honor a member of the CrossFit family. We would love to see you all there. Please feel free to invite any friends and family. –Fall Face-Off – By far, the most...Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility Warm-Up: Run 400m 30 Jumping Squats 20 Ring Rows Then… Review The Power Clean WOD: I. Power Clean – Build To A Tough Single In A Few Sets II. 3 Sets: 3 Tough Touch n’ Go Hang Power Clean Sprint 30 m (increasing Speed Throughout) Rest Walk...Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility Warm-Up: Snatch Skill Transfer WOD: I. Snatch – 5 x 2 – Rest As Needed Between Sets II. Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 80% 1RM – Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets III. Chin Ups (Chin Over Vertical Plane) 4 x 15 – Rest 1 Minute Between...Read More
Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility: Warm-Up: Group Dynamic WOD: I. “Bear Complex“ 5 Sets for Max Weight: 7 Reps (1 cycle of the following progression = 1 Rep) Power Clean Front Squat Shoulder to Overhead Back Squat Shoulder to Overhead * The Bar Can Rest Anywhere Except For The...Read More
Link of the Day Warm-Up: Joint Mobility WOD: 10 Rounds For Time: Row 500m 15 Push Up Burpees *40 Minute Time Limit Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach. Competitors: Hit the WOD *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in order to follow the Competitors Program. Please...Read More