Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Run 400m 30 Walking Lunges 20 Clapping Pushups 10 Inchworms then… Warm-Up the Thruster WOD: I. End of Summer Throwdown WOD 4 Team "Kalsu" On the minute every minute, until the Team completes 100 Thrusters 5 Burpees Max Thrusters in remaining time (95/65) – Scaled...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Group Dynamic WOD: I. End of Summer Throwdown WOD 3 15 Minutes to Estabish a Max Combined Weight for CrossFit Total -1RM Back Squat -1RM Press -1RM Deadlift *Cannot move on to next movement until both athletes have completed the same movement *No limits on...Read More
Reminder: Pre-Orders for "Becoming a Supple Leopard" must be in by Friday. Please bring $30 cash to either Albany CrossFit or CrossFit Clifton Park. Thanks!Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Barbell Smash on Calves then… Review Rowing Technique WOD: I. End of Summer Throwdown WOD 2 Team 5k Row *Partition rowing as needed II. Tabata Air Squats *Scaling options will be provided for all athletes by the coaches in class Competitors: I. 5 sets @...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Row 250 25 Inchworms 25 Overhead Squats with Barbell then… Warm-Up the Deadlift WOD: I. End of Summer Throwdown WOD 1 7 Minute AMRAP with Partner: 50 Deadlifts (225/155) – Scaled (135/95) Max Burpees *1 partner moving at a time *Score is total reps including...Read More
Reminder: Sign-ups for Fall Face-Off are happening now! October 6th is fast approaching, so assemble your team of 2 men and 2 women, and get registered for either the Rx or Scaled division. On Friday, September 14th, the price for registration increases, so make sure to get your group together ASAP. If you aren't looking...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility: Warm-Up: 3 Rounds: 5 Wallballs 10 Overhead Lunges with Medball 15 Pushups on Medball WOD: I. 4 Sets: 4 Front Squats *Pause for 4 seconds on the 1st and 4th rep II. AMRAP in 12 Minutes: 4 Handstand Pushups 8 Toes-to-Bar 12 Jumping Lunges *Scaling...Read More
Our athletes are the most important people that ever enter our box. Our athletes are not dependent on the coaches, the coaches are dependent on them. Our athletes never interrupt our work. They are the purpose of our work. We are not doing our athletes a favor by coaching them. They are doing us a...Read More