Just wanted to fill everyone in on the happenings at Albany CrossFit We are looking to do some remodeling. This includes a more functional and space effective way to store equipment in the double wide as well as extending the pavement outside and a bigger shed. We hope to have this complete within the next...Read More
Brought to you by: Come in for coffee and a second opinion. After your visit with the Mirkovic Teal Group, you will receive a $100 gift certificate to Albany CrossFit and CrossFit Clifton Park. To learn more click here. Read More
written by Chris Anderson: You’ve already begun your work for the 2014 Open and Games Season. You carve out space for yourself in the double wide, trying your best to hit workouts during off peak hours. Your programming is researched but scribbled on the nearest dry erase board or note pad. You are one of...Read More
On a recent flight I starting thinking about work and the last few days and one thing really stuck out in my head. I mean, what else is there to do while staring at the folded up tray table on the seat in front of me. Most people would try to sleep since it is...Read More
Thank you to everyone that has helped make CrossFit for Hope 2013 so successful. We have now raised over $20,000 and no doubt when all is said and done our total will be even higher. Events such as the Talent show, Dinner at Mingle, Spin, Mission Hope, Poker, Burpee Mile, Bling, Bikram Yoga, and...Read More
written by Chris Anderson: It was a couplet: body weight floor presses and strict pull ups; a classic rep scheme: 21-15-9; a reasonable time cap: 10 minutes; and a Crossfit first for me: DNF: If you haven’t already, at some point in your Crossfit experience you will log a D(id)N(ot)F(inish) and when you...Read More