
This Week's Mobility Conditioning: "Nancy" 5 Rounds For Time of: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats (95)
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This Week's Mobility  Conditioning: CrossFit Games Open 13.5 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 15 Thrusters (100/65) 15 Chest-to-Bar Pullups *If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes. If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: 2 Position Clean (Floor – Hang) + 1 Push Jerk 7 x 1 * Heaviest Possible ** Rest 1 Minute *** Cleans should be full reps. The Bar does not return to the floor between the two positions. Conditioning: Partner AMRAP in 12 Minutes of: "Cindy" 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: High Bar Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 85% 1 x 2 @ 90% 2 x 2 @ 95% * Rest 2 Minutes Between Working Sets   Conditioning: 1 Minute Max Effort: Kettle Bell Swing (70/53) * Rest 1 Minute 3 Minute AMRAP of: 7 Front Squats @ 70% (No Racks)...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: A) Every 20 Seconds For 4 Minutes: 1 Snatch (Full) @ 75% * Rest 3 Minutes B) Every 60 Seconds For 8 Minutes: 1 Snatch (Full) @ 85%   Conditioning: For Time: 100 Double Unders 20 Overhead Barbell Lunges (155/105) 30 Pull-Ups 20 Overhead Barbell Lunges (155/105) 30 Pull-Ups 20 Overhead...
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Strength: 5 Sets – Max Weighted Strict Pullups *Use weight that allows for at least 7 reps on 1st set   Conditioning: AMRAP in 20 minutes: 10 Thrusters (95/65) 10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups   This Week's Mobility:
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This Week's Mobility Strength: Front Squat 1 x 5 @ 80% 2 x 3 @ 85% 3 x 1 @ 90% * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets   Conditioning: Sprint 100 Feet 10 Push Press @ 75% Bodyweight 30 Burpees Sprint 100 Feet 8 Push Press @ 75% Bodyweight 20 Burpees Sprint 100 Feet 6...
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This Week's Mobility  WOW 13.4: Standards 7 minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean & Jerk 3 Toes To Bar 6 Clean & Jerk 6 Toes To Bar 9 Clean & Jerk 9 Toes To Bar 12 Clean & Jerk 12 Toes To Bar 15 Clean & Jerk 15 Toes To Bar 18 Clean & Jerk 18...
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This Week's Mobility  Conditioning: "Cameron" For time: 50 Walking Lunges 25 Chest-to-Bar Pullups 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 25 Triple-Unders 50 Back Extensions 25 Ring Dips 50 Knees-to-Elbows 25 Wallball "2-fer-1s" (20/14) 50 Situps 5 Rope Climbs (15')
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This Week's Mobility Conditioning: 10k Row * Due to the length of this WOD, classes will run a little differently than normal. Come in when you are ready, warm-up on your own, hop on a rower and hit the WOD.
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