
Sunday (7/21) WOD Prep: LAX Ball In Foot * 2 Minutes Per Side   Strength:  Deadlift 6 x 3 @ 67% 1RM * Rest 2 Minutes Between Working Sets ** Focus: Bar Speed & Technique *** If You Do Not Know Your 1RM%, Use A Light Weight Slightly Heavier Than Last Week, That You Can...
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Sunday (7/14) WOD Prep: Posterior Chain Floss *2 Minutes per Side   Strength: Deadlift 12 x 2 @ 65% 1RM * Rest 1 Minute Between Working Sets ** Focus: Bar Speed & Technique *** If You Do Not Know Your 1RM% Use A Light Weight You Can Move Fast / Explosively. * 20 Minute Time...
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Sunday (7/7) WOD Prep: Barbell Calve Smash *2 Minutes per Side Conditioning: 3 Minute AMRAP: Row (Calories) Rest 3 Minutes 3 Minute AMRAP: Wall Balls (20/14) Rest 3 Minutes 6 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Power Cleans (155/105) 7 Knees To Elbow 11 Push-Ups Rest 3 Minutes 3 Minute AMRAP: Wall Balls (20/14) Rest 3 Minutes...
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Sunday (6/30) WOD Prep: Barbell Overhead Mobilization *2 Minutes per Side Skills: Rack Jerk 2,2,2,2 * Rest 3 Minutes Between Working Sets ** 20 Minute Time Cap Conditioning: For Time: 25 Burpees Then 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Box Jumps (24/20) Kettlebell Swings (70/53) Then 25 Burpees * 15 Minute Time Cap —————————————————————————– Monday (7/1) WOD Prep: Super Front...
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Sunday (6/23) WOD Prep: Banded Ankle Distraction *2 Minutes per Side Then… Squat To Stand 2 x 12 Skills: Review & Practice Rowing Technique Conditioning: For Time: 5k Row —————————————————————————– Monday (6/24) WOD Prep: Barbell Inner Thigh Smash *2 Minutes per Side Strength: High Bar Back Squat 3 x 6 * Heavy As Possible **...
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Sunday (6/16) WOD Prep: Kettlebell Arm Bar *2 Minutes per Side Strength: Practice the Turkish Get-Up for 12 Minutes Conditioning: For Time: 7 Turkish Get-Ups (Right Arm) (53/35) 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 50 Double Unders 25 Kettlbell Swings (53/35) 50 Double Unders 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 7 Turkish Get-Ups (Left Arm) (53/35) * 15 Minute...
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WOD Prep: Partner Calve Smash * 2 Minutes per Side Conditioning: With A Partner Complete The Following: For Time: 100 Box Jumps (24) 100 Jumping Pull-Ups 100 Kettlebell Swings (35) 100 Walking Lunges 100 Knees To Elbow 100 Push Press 100 Back Extensions 100 Wall Balls (20) 100 Burpees 100 Double Unders * Both Partners...
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WOD Prep: Band Walks 2 x 12 Per Side * Rest 1 Minute Between Sets Strength: Work On Air Squat & Pull-Up Technique For 16 Minutes Conditioning: 21-18-15-12-9-6 Air Squats Pull-Ups Ab-Mat Situps * 20 Minute Time Cap
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