If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand iframes. <a href="http://games.crossfit.com" _cke_saved_href="http://games.crossfit.com"</a> to the widget.Read More
He's at Albany CrossFit all-day, everyday. Get to know Dave in his own words: Born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, which I am very proud of. If you have ever talked to me about this you already know. I am an avid sports nut with all my favorite teams hailing from the Motor...Read More
Kim shares some insight on why you might be struggling with losing weight: You’re into the thick of it now with The 90 Day Challenge. The competition is tough and you’re frustrated: “Why am I not losing weight? I’m doing everything I’m supposed to!” Let’s look at some common culprits that may be sabotaging you: 1. Exercise/Strength o...Read More
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Group Dynamic Strength: Establish a 1RM Deadlift Conditioning: CrossFit Open 12.4: AMRAP in 12 minutes: 150 Wall Balls (20/14) 90 Double-Unders 30 Muscle-Ups If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand iframes. <a href="http://games.crossfit.com" _cke_saved_href="http://games.crossfit.com"</a> to the widget.Read More
it’s that time of year again! Time to register for the CrossFit Open. I know there are many of you who have some reservations about registering; maybe you feel a little intimidated by a competitive environment or you have doubts on your abilities to be labeled as a ‘competitive athlete’. Or maybe you just aren’t...Read More
The CrossFit Winter Formal is fast approaching! Sign-ups are revving up as people are looking forward to an exciting night with an opportunity to get dressed up, and enjoy an evening of food, fare, and amazing people. Bring a date or fly solo, it's bound to be an awesome time no matter what! Make sure...Read More
Hard to believe after owning a box for over 5 years and CrossFitting for over 6, I finally competed in my first official competition. You may ask, "What took you so long?" Well, typically, I'm on the other side of it, running the event, be it Regionals, Fall Face Off, Tri-State Throwdown, I've alway been...Read More