
Amazing job to all those who competed this past weekend at Fall Face Off! Be Smart. Listen to your bodies. Hydrate. Consider taking tomorrow off to rest and recover. Check out the links below to view photos of the action that went on this past weekend! Corrie's Album Jim's Album: Day One Jim's Album: Day...
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It's finally here! Fall Face Off kicks off tomorrow morning at 10am! Please come out and join us for a fun filled weekend that will ential killer workouts, great food catered by Mingle and no doubt some phenominal performances from badass athletes. Oh..and incase you have been living under a rock. All weekend classes are...
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Friday (9/6) WOD Prep: A) Wall Slides 1 x 12 B) Scap-Push-Ups 1 x 12 * Squeeze The Shoulder Blades Together for 3 Seconds Then Spread Them Apart.   1. For Time: Reps of: Jerk (135w/185m) Reps of: Pull ups * Perform 10 Jerks Then 2 Pull-Ups. ** Continue this process by decreasing...
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2014 OPEN ATHLETES 1.  Metcon 3 RFT: 500m Row 12 Burpees 21 Box Jumps, 24/20" –  games standards   2.  Snatch Complex 5 sets Across of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS – pick a weight you can do with no misses.   3.  Strength 4×6 Front Squats, across    
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  Tuesday (9/3)       Wednesday (9/4) WOD Prep: A) Sampson Stretch * 1 Minute Per Side   1. Establish a 1RM Jerk in 20 Minutes   2. Open WOW 11.3 5 Minute AMRAP of: 1 Clean (165/110) 1 Jerk (165/110)   Injury Prevention: A) Wall Slides 1 x 12 B) LAX Ball in...
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Please join us at 10am to honor the life of a fallen member of our community. After the WOD there will be a BBQ (Burgers & Hot Dogs). Feel free to bring any beverages or food items to share.   Monday (9/2) 1. "Stephen" 10 Rounds For Time of: 10 Burpees 200m Run 30 Air...
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Upcoming Events Monday | (9/2) (Labor Day): Stephen Memorial WOD. 10am Start Time. BBQ After. Feel free to bring food or beverages to share. Saturday & Sunday | (9/7) (9/8): Fall Face Off Team Competition. Click HERE for details. We are still accepting teams for FFO. We are also looking for volunteers to help run...
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