Crossfit for Hope – Albany Crossfit from katie hunter on Vimeo. “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” –Albert Einstein Get the best in CrossFit performance gear at the CrossFit Store.Read More
Reminder: There is only one class today at CrossFit Clifton Park at 10am. All other classes at Albany CrossFit and CrossFit Clifton Park are cancelled. It’s a $5 donation per person (proceeds benefiting CrossFit for Hope) and the BBQ will follow immediately after the workout. Please plan workouts accordingly. Thanks! Crossfit for Hope – Albany...Read More
Brett provides a fun way to improve your power output: It’s time we talk about one of my favorite lifts. It starts with weight on the ground or in “the hang;” is a functional, core-to-extremity movement (legs drive, hips open, arms just finish); is dynamic, ballistic, and requires force (speed!) development in order to succeed...Read More
Reminder: The 7pm WOD classes at Albany CrossFit and CrossFit Clifton Park are cancelled today. Please plan workouts accordingly. Link of the Day Warm-Up: 2 Rounds: Run 200m 15 Jumping Squats 20 Mountain Climbers WOD: I. With a Partner, AMRAP in 12 Minutes: Thrusters (95/65) *Other partner must rest in an FLR in order for...Read More
Link of the Day Warm-Up: Rope Climb Technique WOD: I. 20 minutes of “Gym Class” -Practice Rope Climbs/Cargo Net Climbs and FLR’s II. Pose Drills III. 3 Intervals: Run 400m at 90% *Rest 3 minutes between intervals Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach Competitors: I. 20 rope...Read More
We are sad to announce that Eric is resigning from his coaching position at Albany CrossFit and CrossFit Clifton Park. We wish him well in all his endeavors. Here is his final thoughts: A famous guiding question from my favorite strength and conditioning coach, Dan John, is the following: You may get another injury, but...Read More
Link of the Day Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up WOD: I. Build to a tough 3 in the Overhead Squats following this protocol: 1 Hang Squat Snatch 3 Overhead Squats II. 2 Front Squats on the minute @ 90% 1RM for 6 minutes III. For Time: 3 Sets of 50 Unbroken Wall Balls *You must break between...Read More
Jason will be giving an “Attitude Nation” Olympic Lifting Seminar. When – Saturday, July 21st, 12pm Where – Albany CrossFit How Much – $40 before July 14th, $50 after Why – Because you want to PR! Minimum – 10 athletes This will be a 3 hour seminar in which we will cover the Snatch and...Read More