Link of the Day  This Week’s Mobility   Warm-Up: Agility Ladder Drills   WOD: I. 20 Leg-less Rope Climbs For Time (Competitors: Leg-less up and down) II. GHD Situps – 15 x 5; Rest 1 min   Competitors: Hit the WOD
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Link of the Day  This Week’s Mobility   Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up   WOD:   I. Hang Power Snatch – 3 x 3 @ 80%; Rest 90 seconds II. Handstand Walk – 20 m; Rest 90 seconds x 3 III.. Run 400m @ 80%; Rest 90 seconds x 2 *Scaling options will be provided for all athletes by their coaches in class   Competitors: Hit the WOD
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Link of the Day This Week’s Mobility:   Warm-Up: Agility Ladder Drills   WOD:   I. Overhead Squat 5 sets, 2 reps – Building to a 2 Rep Max *Rest 4 minutes between sets II. “Randy” 75 Snatches for Time (75lbs) *10 Minute Cap   Competitors: Rest Day
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Link of the Day  This Week’s Mobility   Warm-Up:   50 Jumping Jacks 400m run 30 Inchworms 20 Burpee Broad Jumps 10 Jumping Air Squats   WOD:   I. 5 Sets: 10 Weighted Barbell Lunges in Front Rack (5 steps each leg) *Rest as needed *Taken off of squat rack II. Burpee Volume Ladder   Competitors: Rest Day   Endurance:   Week 1 Long Interval: 3 x 800m, rest 2:00, hold splits within 3-5 seconds Short Interval: 3 x (100m + 200m + 400m) *Work:Rest of 1:1. Rest exactly as long as it takes to perform a given distance in a set. For example, run 200m in 35 seconds, rest 35 seconds, run 400m in 1:15, rest 1:15, etc Tempo/Time Trial: 10k TT
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Link of the Day  This Week’s Mobility     Warm-Up: Review the Power Clean   WOD: I. Power Clean x 1/Overhead x 1; Rest 3 Minutes x 3 – 90% II. Row Sprints: 20 Seconds @ Max Effort; Rest 2:40 x 4 III. 5 Burpees As Fast As Possible *Jump 1 foot above max reach at top; Rest 30 seconds x 5   Competitors: Post-WOD IV. AMRAP Double Unders in 20 seconds; Rest 40 seconds x 3
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