WOD: Open WOW 13.1 17 Minute AMRAP: 40 Burpees to a 6" target (75/45) pound Snatch, 30 reps 30 Burpees (135/75) pound Snatch, 30 reps 20 Burpees (165/100) pound Snatch, 30 reps 10 Burpees (210/120) pound Snatch, as many reps as possible   WOD Strategy: With another Open WOW ahead of us, we are going to test our metabolic capacity. Burpees can cause us to jack up our heart rate and leave us gasping for air. So, to minimize this feeling, we must choose a steady pace that will not leave us completely winded by the time we get to the bar for the snatches. For the first round of snatches you want to make them touch and go as much as possible. If you have to break the snatches up at this weight then make sure you set a number you want to hit (2 sets of 15...
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    WOD: 1. 15 minute AMRAP: 9 Deadlifts, (225/155) 12 Hand Release Push ups 15 Box Jumps, (24/20")   WOD Strategy: This AMRAP was an open workout back in 2011, which means that it is going to test your metabolic capacity. The only change to this workout is the weight of the deadlift. In 2011 the weight was 155 for men and 100 for women. Your Rx deadlift weight will be set a little higher at 225 for men and 155 for women. You should be selecting a weight that you know you can hit at least 6 rounds unbroken. For those of you that struggle with push-ups, break them up into manageable sets when needed. If you go to failure you will end up spending more time trying to recover. Box jumps should be done at a steady pace, and stepping down is highly recomended. For most people...
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Monday (11/4)   WOD Prep: Rotator Cuff Stretch 2 Minutes per side   1. Olympic Lifting: 20 Minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch   2.  Metcon: 30 OHS, 115/80 30 TTB 20 Power Snatch, 115/80 20 TTB 10 Squat Snatch, 115/80 10 TTB   15 Minute Time Cap   WOD Strategy: 15 minutes is an aggressive time cap so first and foremost, make sure you scale the weight appropriately. You should be able to do 10-12 Overhead Squats for your first set. Make sure that you can complete all Overhead Squats in 3 sets or less. When you get to the Toes to Bar have a rep scheme set in your head (ex. 3 sets of 10, 2 sets of 15) and do your best to stick to that rep scheme. After finishing the Toes to Bar head back to your barbell and again have a set rep scheme in mind...
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Sunday (11/3) WOD:   Karen   150 Wallballs for time (20/14)   Strength:   Front Squats 3×3 @ 85%          
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  Thursday (10/31) WOD Prep: PVC Pipe Pec Stretch 1 x 12 / Side   1. "Grace" For Time 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) * 6 Minute Time Cap   WOD Strategy from Jason: "Grace" is a sprint, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  If you are not under 6 minutes you have not scaled appropriately.  Now, that's not to say, there isn't a time or place to hit your first RX "Grace" in 8 minutes, it's just not tomorrow.  The fasted "Grace" I have witnessed in person was by our very own Coach Dave at Friday Night Fights in 1:58.  He went out and hit 10 UB, then 7, 4, 3, 3, and 3.  I believe this is the way to go.  Not necessary those exact reps but bang out as many as you can UB over and over again.  At the end the last 5-8 you may...
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