Fitness:   WOD:   1)  Diane        21-15-9 Handstand Push-ups Deadlifts (225/155)   WOD Strategy: Diane is designed to be a face paced workout that should be done in less than 10 minutes. If it takes you any longer, then you did not scale appropriately. The key for this workout is to not go to failure on either movement. If you do go to failure, it will cause you to drastically drop on reps each attempt. If you struggle with HSPU then it is better to pick a number that you know you can hit repeatedly. Do that set number of reps and then come off the wall and shake your arms out. Give yourself a few seconds and then kick yourseld right back up to hit that number again. This is all about consistency. Same theory goes for the Deadlifts. If you struggle at 225 and cannot hit 21...
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Fitness and Sport   TEAM WOD:   Teams of 3 (one works, two rest) 3 Rounds for time of: 50 Power Cleans (135/95) 1500m row (must switch every 250m)      
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WOD: 7 minute AMRAP: Wall Balls EMOM complete 5 Deadlifts (225/155) First minute starts with wall balls.  Minute two complete 5 deadlifts and then as many wall balls within that minute.    Score is total number of wall balls completed in 7 minutes   Fitness: Skills: 30 Turkish get-ups not for time   Sport: Skills: 3 sets of 30 unbroken Box Jumps (24/20)  games standards. Take as little rest between sets as possible.  
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Fitness   WOD: 21-15-9: HSPU Chest to Bar pull-ups  Row 500m after each round 15 minute time cap   Snatch Skills: Overhead Squat Therapy 15 minute time cap   Squats: 2×10 Back squat   Sport:   WOD: 21-15-9: HSPU Chest to Bar pull-ups  Row 500m after each round 15 minute time cap   Snatch Skills 7 x 2 High Hang Squat Snatch – From pockets 15 minute time cap   Squats 2×10 Back Squats Make these two sets as heavy as possible    
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Tuesday 111213   Fitness   WOD: "Open 11.4" 10 minute AMRAP: 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Overhead Squats (120/90) 10 Muscle ups   WOD Strategy: During the bar facing burpees make sure to keep a steady pace and focus on your breathing. Burpees will test your conditioning and also fatigue your legs and shoulders. So go at them at a nice steady pace and save some energy for the overhead squats and muscle ups. When you get to the overhead squats you want to make sure you are ready before getting that weight up overhead. The overhead squats should be broken up. The rep scheme will vary depending on the individual, most people should break them up into 3 sets of 10. When you are resting in between overhead squats, try and rest the bar on your back so you do not have to get the bar off the ground again....
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