This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Group Dynamic Strength: Front Squat 5 x 3 @ 75%1RM Conditioning: Score To Beat – Jessica Estrada 268 Reps! 3 Rounds For Total Repetitions of: 1 Minute: Max Effort Front Squats (135/95) 1 Minute: Max Effort Hand Stand Push Up 1 Minute: Max Effort Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 1...Read More
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: CrossFit Warm-Up 3 x 12 Strength: A) Top Pull Deadlift 3 x 3 @ 70%1RM * Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets Then… B) Press 3 x 3 @ 70%1RM * Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets Conditioning: Choose (1) of the Following WODs: 1.) For Time: Row 800m 30...Read More
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Group Dynamic Conditioning: Thruster Volume Ladder (135/95) *1st minute complete 1 Thruster, 2nd minute complete 2 Thrusters, 3rd minute complete 3…. Continue this pattern until you can no longer complete the required number of repetitions in that minute. Midline: 3 Sets: 25 Weighted Anchored Situps Rest 1 minuteRead More
Jenna focuses on conquering the mind: You are about to do a heavy lift. Your mind is racing… “Keep my elbows up, make sure my knees are out, squeeze my butt, stay tight…” and this is repeating over and over again in your head. As your mind is saying everything you need to do, you...Read More
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: CrossFit Warm-Up 3 x 12 * 12 Minute Time Cap Strength: 3 Sets of the Following: 5 Bent Over Row (Supinated Grip) * Heavy As Possible Without Sacrificing Technique Then… Max Effort Push-Ups ** Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets Conditioning:...Read More
Ali wants you to rest right: With about one month left in the 90 Day Challenge in full swing, and the Open on the horizon, it's hard to escape the CrossFit addiction mode. Many of you are seen hitting the WOD followed up by a specialty class, attending 5 days in a row, volume training...Read More