Rest Accordingly

Ali wants you to rest right:

With about one month left in the 90 Day Challenge in full swing, and the Open on the horizon, it's hard to escape the CrossFit addiction mode. Many of you are seen hitting the WOD followed up by a specialty class, attending 5 days in a row, volume training post WOD and even working in long runs on these cold days. That is TOTALLY AWESOME!! However, this is just a friendly reminder telling you to REST. Resist Every Second Training. Ok, I made that up, but it's true!! Rest is very important to any athlete. Your body needs time to recover, especially after getting your butt kicked in class. Have you ever hit the 8:30pm WOD and then tried to hit the 7:00am the next day full force? You can't. You haven't even had 12 hours of recovery time. You can do just as much harm to your body by overtraining. That is where fatigue and chance of injuries come into play. If you are only able to make it in the gym Monday-Friday consider Wednesday to be a lighter load. Don't be worried to scale back a little. Your body will thank you for it. clifton park fitness

Another important body recovery flaw many of us have as CrossFitters is the unwillingness to take a week off every couple of months. Even though you think your body will lose all the work you put in, you won't. You will surprise yourself. Haven't hit a PR in 3 months? Take a week off and then see how well your body performs. You will be quite suprised and satisfied.

If you MUST come in even though you are "resting" here are a couple of active recovery links and exercises you can do to help your body re-engergize.

Find your inner supple leaopard with Mobility WOD
Check out Leb's weekly Mobility posts on our main site and in the archives
Light row
Foam Roll-Everything
Yoga! 7pm at ACF with Cathie Wright
Ask Jay to stretch you out….it's more enjoyable for him than for you

We love ya, we want you all to be the best and healthiest CrossFitters around, but seriously. REST!!

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