This Week's Mobility Strength: Part A) Deadlift 3 x 10 @ 70%1RM Part B) Floor Press 3 x 10 @ Heaviest Unbroken Possible * Rest 1 Minute Between Working Sets For Each Section. ** All Sets of Part A must be completed before moving to Part B. Conditioning: For Time: 100 Double Unders 50 Ab-Mat...Read More
"Community" is the most misunderstood aspect of CrossFit. Critics regularly interchange the terms "community" and "cult" when attacking this collection of strong-willed individuals. For those who don't understand CrossFit, "community" is often associated with the latest Lulu/Reebok gear, Progenex flavors, WOD talk, Paleo bragging, etc. Unconscious acts of genuine community like this one happen all...Read More
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