Upcoming Events September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Thursday (9/26) WOD Prep: 15 Groiners 1. 2 Rounds For Time of: 12 Overhead Squat (135 / 95) 12 Burpees...Read More
Upcoming Events September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Wednesday (9/24) WOD Prep: Super Front Rack * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. Establish a 1RM Thruster in 15 Minutes...Read More
Upcoming Events September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 25th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Ninjas & Beast October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Monday (9/23) WOD Prep: a.) 1 Minute: Hollow Body Hold b.) 1 Minute: Superman Hold 1. 15 Minute AMRAP of:...Read More
Upcoming Events September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Monday (9/23) WOD Prep: Barbell Shoulder Smash & Floss * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. 6 Minute AMRAP of: 6 Overhead Squat (135 / 95) 9 Lateral Barbell Burpees 12 Toes...Read More
Upcoming Events September 21st. 12pm to 2pm. Punk Rope: Doubles or Nothing Seminar September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Saturday (9/21) WOD Prep: 15 Groiners 1. "Glen" 30 Clean and Jerks (135 / 95) Run 1 Mile 10 Rope...Read More
Upcoming Events September 21st. 12pm to 2pm. Punk Rope: Doubles or Nothing Seminar September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Friday (9/19) WOD Prep: Barbell Shoulder Smash & Floss * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. For Time: 20 Power Snatch...Read More
Upcoming Events September 21st. 12pm to 2pm. Punk Rope: Doubles or Nothing Seminar September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Thursday (9/17) WOD Prep: a) Wall Slides 1 x 12 b) Squat To Stand 1 x 12 1. Reverse Jackie!...Read More
Upcoming Events September 21st. 12pm to 2pm. Punk Rope: Doubles or Nothing Seminar September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Tuesday (9/17) WOD Prep: Banded Ankle Distraction * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. 10 Minute AMRAP of: 5 Power Cleans (135/95)...Read More
Upcoming Events September 21st. 12pm to 2pm. Punk Rope: Doubles or Nothing Seminar September 27th. 6pm to 8pm. Friday Night Fights: Go Heavy or Go Home! October 26th. 9am to 6pm. Rock Tape Seminar Monday (9/16) WOD Prep: A) Scap Push-Ups 1 x 12 B) Fire Hydrants 1 x 8 Per Side 1....Read More
Tuesday (9/10) WOD Prep: Barbell Calf Smash * 2 Minutes Per Side 1. "Donny" For Time: 21-15-9-9-15-21 Deadlift (225/155) Burpees * 20 Minute Time Cap 2. Double Unders 10 Rounds For Time of: 30 unbroken Double Unders. * Complete 30 unbroken double unders. ** Rest as little time between sets as possible. ...Read More