Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit A: Metcon (Weight) Every 4:00 x 5: 5 Push Press @ 70% 1RM, Climbing 500m Row – Rest in the time remaining and add weight. Record the heaviest weight in section B as well. B: Push PressRead More
Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit A: Metcon (Time) 21-15-9: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115/75) Toes to Bar B: Metcon (Distance) 12:00 for Distance: Row Optional: Max Effort 2,000m Row, then continue rowing in the time remaining. Record the 2K. 2k Row (Time) Max Effort 2k RowRead More
Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit A: Metcon (Time) 21-15-9: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (115/75) Toes to Bar B: Metcon (Time) 12:00 for Distance: Row Optional: Max Effort 2,000m Row, then continue rowing in the time remaining. Record the 2K. 2k Row (Time) Max Effort 2k RowRead More
Albany CrossFit – CrossFit CrossFit Metcon (Time) 30 Alternating DB Power Snatches (50/35) 10 Wall Walks 30 Alternating DB Power Snatches (50/35) 10 Wall Walks 30 Alternating DB Power Snatches (50/35)Read More