
April 3, 2013
What are some of the greatest adaptations to CrossFit?  Getting a pull-up?  Taking 165lbs. overhead?  Losing 200lbs?  Check, check, and check, Murph has done all of these.  However, I think I can speak for Murph when I say the great adaptation to CrossFit isn't physical, the greatest adaptation to CrossFit happens between the ears, it's...
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This Week's Mobility Strength: 2 Position Clean (Floor – Hang) + 1 Push Jerk 7 x 1 * Heaviest Possible ** Rest 1 Minute *** Cleans should be full reps. The Bar does not return to the floor between the two positions. Conditioning: Partner AMRAP in 12 Minutes of: "Cindy" 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15...
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