
February 27, 2013
This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Gymnastics Warm-Up – Day 2   12 minute AMRAP for quality: Level 1: 10 Kips Swings 10 Strict Pull-Ups (w/band) or Ring Rows 10 Sec Tuck Hang/ Tuck Ring Support 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 Hollow Raises Level 2: 5 Muscle-Up Row (w/turnout) 5 Butterfly Pullups 3 Weighted Strict Pullups 2 Skin...
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We are not all deep, or freakishly strong, or amazingly nimble, in body or soul. We are not all special snowflakes. The hard truth is that some people just achieve more than others. Some people realize their purpose and pursue it. Some people take hold of a skill and sharpen it relentlessly. Some people find...
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