
August 6, 2012
Ali preaches the importance of getting mobile:  Sore, achy, out of whack? The programming has taken a different turn this summer and many of you are pushing yourselves through some of the toughest workouts we have seen in a while. Make sure that you are listening to your body.  Take proper amounts of rest days.  Use fish oil.  Eat properly. Get an...
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  Link of the Day  This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Run 200 20 Burpee Broad Jumps Run 200m   WOD:   I. 5 sets @ 90-95%: 5 Muscle-ups 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Kettlebell Swings (Heavy) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Double-Unders Row 15 Calories *Rest walk 3 minutes between sets  Scaling Levels for all abilities will...
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