Warm-Up:  Gymnastics Warm-Up – Day 1 10 Minute AMRAP for Quality: Level 1: 10 Ring Pushups 10 Sec Tripod 3 Handstand kick up attempts 10 Sumo Deadlift w/ Kettlebell 10 Superman Raises Level 2: 5 Handstand Pushup (With or without Wall assistance) 10 Sec Frog stand or Tuck Planche 10 Pistols (Alterating Legs) 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Superman Rocks   Strength: High Bar Back Squat – Establish a 1RM   Conditioning: 3 Rounds For Total Working Time of: 75 Double Unders 15 Lateral Burpees (Over The Barbell) 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) * Rest 1:1 ** 15 Minute Time Cap   This Week's Mobility
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Warm-Up:  Group Dynamic   Barbell Gymnastics: Split Jerk – 5 x 1 *Rest 90 seconds   Conditioning: "Diane" 21-15-9 of: Deadlifts (225/95) Handstand Push-Ups * 10 Minute Time Cap This Week's Mobility:
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Warm-Up:  Kettlebell Conditioning   Conditioning: Part 1: 7 minute AMRAP: 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pullups 7 Box Jumps (20")   Rest 3 minutes   Part 2: 7 minute AMRAP: 7 Squat Clean (95/65) 7 Pullups 7 Burpees   Rest 3 minutes   Part 3: 7 minute AMRAP: 24 Double Unders 12 Wallballs 6 Knees to Elbow   Rest 3 minutes   Part 4: 7 minute AMRAP 20 Walking Lunges 10 Ring Rows 10 Situps   This Week's Mobility
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Warm-Up: CrossFit Warm-Up – 3 x 10   Strength: Front Squats – 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 2X3 @ 90%, 3X1 @ 95% *Rest 60-90 sec.   Conditioning: 8 Minute AMRAP of: 1 Wall Balls (20/14) 1 Knees 2 Elbow 2 Wall Ball 2 Knees 2 Elbow 3 Wall Ball 3 Knees 2 Elbow 4 Wall Ball 4 Knees 2 Elbow 5 Wall Ball 5 Knees 2 Elbow * Continue Adding 1 Repetition Each Round Until The Time Ends.   Link of the Day This Week's Mobility
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Warm-Up:  Burgener and Skill Transfer   Barbell Gymnastics: Hi-Hang Snatch – 5 x 5 @ 72% 1RM * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets Conditioning: 7 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Wall Climbs 6 Burpees 9 Parallette Pass Throughs   This Week's Mobility
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