
May 19, 2014
Have you ever been injured? Probably, right? It happens. But that does not mean that you have to stop training CrossFit until you are better. There are all sorts of ways to scale every single movement that we do. If something is bothering you, tell your coach and (s)he will help you figure out how...
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Main – Albany CrossFit: Powerlifting View Public Whiteboard Strength Bench Press (8×3) Speed Bench: 8×3 @ 55% + Band Tension Metcon (Weight) 3 Rounds: Db Floor Press x 20 JM Presses x 20 Tate Presses x 20Movements will be done one after another. After you go through all three movements then you can rest. Metcon...
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Main – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter View Public Whiteboard WOD Metcon (30 Rounds for reps) 30 Minute EMOM: Odd: 15 Calorie Row Even: 15 Burpees Gymnastics Metcon (7 Rounds for reps) 7 Sets of: 8 Unbroken Chest to bar pull-ups :40 rest between sets
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