Summer is winding down, get those Endurance WODs in. We have tweaked, re-vamped, and stepped up our Endurance Programming, and we've seen it already implemented. Now is your chance to hop on and get ready for those last few races. Below you will find the next 2 weeks of programming, and the upcoming week's programming will be...Read More
Link of the Day This Week's Mobility Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up WOD: I. 12 Waveload Sets: 3 Power Snatches Touch-n'-Go (Moderate Weight) Rest 30 seconds 6 Handstand Pushups Rest 30 seconds (Power Snatch Waveload example – 95/105/115/95/105/115/95/105/115/95/105/115) II. Tabata Rowing (Max Calories) Competitors: Part 1: I. Squat Clean – build to a tough...Read More
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