Link of the Day Warm-Up: Row 250m 20 Spiderman Lunges 15 Clapping Pushups 10 Inchworms WOD: I. For time: 30 Man-Makers (35lb/25lb per hand) *10 Minute Time Limit Rest 5 min II. For time: 50 Double-Unders 10 Burpees 40 Double-Unders 10 Burpees 30 Double-Unders 10 Burpees 20 Double-Unders 10 Burpees 10 Double-Unders 10 Burpees *10 Minute Time Limit Rest 5 min III. For time: 50 Kettlebell Swings (70/53) Row 350m *10 Minute Time Limit Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors: Rest 5 minutes after the Kettlebell Swings and Row then – Max Cals on AirDyne in 3:30 *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in order to follow the Competitors Program.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: Row 500m 20 Jumping Squats 10 Burpees Review Squat Clean as a Group WOD: I. Build to a tough single on the Squat Clean where you’re fast out of bottom but challenging; speed is key here II. 3 Sets: 30 Pullups Rest 1 minutes 15 Thrusters (115/80) Rest 3 minutes Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors: Come in early and perform before the WOD: I. Back Squat – 6 sets of 2 @ 30X1; rest 2 min – 90-92% 1RM *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in order to follow the Competitors Program.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: 2 Rounds: Run 200m 15 Sotts Press 20 Walking Lunges WOD: I. Establish 1 RM Snatch II. On the Minute for 18 Minutes for Max Reps following this progression: 1st Minute: Power Snatches (135/95) 2nd Minute: Burpees 3rd Minute: AbMat Situps 4th Minute: Power Snatches 5th Minute: Burpees 6th Minute: AbMat Situps and so on… Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors: Rest Day *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in order to follow the Competitors Program.  Please contact [email protected] for more information.
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: 3 Rounds: 10 Pistols 5 Inchworms then… Ankle Mobility WOD: I. For Time: Row 2k II. Practice Turkish Get-ups for 20 minutes – Build to a heavy 1 Rep on each arm Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach   Competitors: I. Row 2K for time – score as average watts for 2K divided by bodyweight in pounds – i.e. 300/150 = 2.0 as score *Athletes must be cleared by the coaching staff in order to follow the Competitors Program.  Please contact [email protected] for more information. ACF Endurance Team: 1 – CrossFit WOD is still your number one priority. 2 – These should be hit Post WOD or at least 3 hours Pre-WOD 3 – The longer your race or goal, the higher the intervals you should hit. 4 – Ideally these are done on non-consecutive days. 5 –...
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Reminder: There is only one class today at CrossFit Clifton Park at 10am.  All other classes at Albany CrossFit and CrossFit Clifton Park are cancelled.  It’s a $5 donation per person (proceeds benefiting CrossFit for Hope) and the BBQ will follow immediately after the workout.  Please plan workouts accordingly.  Thanks! Link of the Day Warm-Up: Group Dynamic WOD: 3 Rounds Wall Ball Shots (20/14) Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55) Box Jumps (20″) Push Press (75/55) Row for calories *1 minute rest In this workout you move through each of the five stations. Performing each movement for a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This workout consists of three five minute rounds. On the call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. Scaling options for all ability levels will be...
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