Thursday (10/31) WOD Prep: PVC Pipe Pec Stretch 1 x 12 / Side 1. "Grace" For Time 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) * 6 Minute Time Cap WOD Strategy from Jason: "Grace" is a sprint, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you are not under 6 minutes you have not scaled appropriately. Now, that's not to say, there isn't a time or place to hit your first RX "Grace" in 8 minutes, it's just not tomorrow. The fasted "Grace" I have witnessed in person was by our very own Coach Dave at Friday Night Fights in 1:58. He went out and hit 10 UB, then 7, 4, 3, 3, and 3. I believe this is the way to go. Not necessary those exact reps but bang out as many as you can UB over and over again. At the end the last 5-8 you may...
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