Link of the Day Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up and Skill Transfer WOD: I. Power Snatch 3 – 3 – 3 II. 5 Rounds for Time: 30 Lunges (Total) 10 Ring Dips *15 Minute Time Limit Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: 2 Rounds: 10 Overhead Squats 10 Pressing Snatch Balance Run 200m WOD: I. 8 Rounds: 4 Inverted Burpees 8 Pullups 12 AbMat Situps *20 minute cap II. 3 Rounds: 200m Heavy Farmer’s Carry Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach ACF Endurance Team: 1 – CrossFit WOD is still your number one priority. 2 – These should be hit Post WOD or at least 3 hours Pre-WOD 3 – The longer your race or goal, the higher the intervals you should hit. 4 – Ideally these are done on non-consecutive days. 5 – Saturday’s run will be at the Niskayuna Bike Trail with the Team. Here are our 3 CrossFit Endurance WODs for the week: Short Interval 2-6 intervals of: 250m *1 minute rest between intervals then… 2-6 intervals of: 400m *90 seconds rest between intervals   Long Interval...
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up WOD: I. AMRAP in 25 Minutes with Partner: 5 Hang Power Snatches (75/55) 10 Overhead Lunges with the same weight Run 200m *Only 1 athlete moving at a time II. 4 Sets: 20 AbMat Situps III. 3 minutes Couch Stretch each leg Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: 3 Rounds 200m run 10 Goblet Squats WOD: I. Overhead Squats 3 – 3 – 3 II. AMRAP 10 Minutes of: 5 Overhead Squats (135/95) 10 Shoot-Through’s III. Tabata Grasshoppers Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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Link of the Day Warm-Up: Practice Getting Inverted for 10 Minutes: -Tripods -Frogstands -Headstands -Handstands -Hand-Walking WOD: I. Push Press 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 II. “Burpee Annie” 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 Burpees AbMat Situps *20 Minute Cap Scaling options for all ability levels will be provided for by your coach
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