WOD Open WOW 13.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below: 3 Clean and jerks (135/95) 3 Toes-to-bar 6 Clean and jerks (135/95) 6 Toes-to-bar 9 Clean and jerks (135/95) 9 Toes-to-bar If you complete the round of 9, go on to 12. If you complete 12, go on to 15, etc. WOD Strategy With only 7 minutes to complete as many reps as possible, the objective is to keep a steady pace and not go crazy in the beginning. There are two schools of thought when it comes to the clean and jerks. One prefers to drop the bar from the top each time and then go into the next rep. The other prefers to guide the bar back down to the ground and immediately go into the next rep. For this workout I would recommend using both of these schools of thought. For the first...
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