Winter CrossFit Kids Camp

Winter CrossFit Kids Camp

Our Mini-CrossFitters are back at it this month for our next CrossFit Kids Camp! It’s our mission to teach as many kids as possible how fun health and fitness is so that they grow up excited to take care of their bodies. If you know (or are a part of) a family that has kids who want to experience CrossFit, send them our way!

Date: February, 19th to February 23rd from 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Cost: $99 for the first kid. $50 for each additional kid.

Our Program Includes:

  • Functional & Safe Movements
  • Gymnastics Skills Practice
  • Aerobic Conditioning
  • Basic & Light Weight Lifting
  • Improved Confidence
  • Interactive Games
  • Obstacle Course Building
  • Instructors include certified elementary and secondary teachers.