AMRAP in 2 minutes
Accumulate as many points as possible with the following movements
Snatch (53/35) 4pt.
American (53/35) 2pt.
Russian (53/35) 1pt.
*Athletes are only allowed to perform one movement for the entire 2 minutes.
Part II: (Immediately after KB)
Max Effort L-Sit
Event 2:
Briefing 6:45 – 6:50pm – Workout 6:55 – 7:15pm
“Drop it Like its Hot”
In 20 minutes establish a 2 Rep Max Overhead Squat
Event 3:
Briefing 7:20 – 7:25pm – Workout 7:30 – ???
“Big Balls”
EMOM – 5 minutes – 5 Burpees, as many Wall Ball Shots in remainder of the minute.
I am trying to sign uo for this event with my friend. Scantily clad is not an option at 66 years of age! LOL! Joanne Skerritt