Friday 050517

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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Skills Practice

Metcon (No Measure)

The CrossFit Warm-Up:

3 Rounds of:

:30 Sampson Stretch / Side

10 Overhead Squats*

10 Sit-Ups

10 Good Mornings*

10 Pull-Ups or Barbell Pull-Ups

10 Ring Dips or Push-Ups

* Use a PVC Pipe for the first round then a barbell for the next two.

Rowing Technique (No Measure)

Workout of the Day

Metcon (10 Rounds for distance)

10 Rounds of:

Rowing Intervals (1:00 On, 1:00 Off)

* Goal: Pull a sub 1:30/1:40 – 500m pace for as long as possible.

[Scale 1]:

No Change – Goal: Pull a sub 1:45/1:55 – 500m pace for as long as possible.

[Scale 2]:

No Change – Goal: Pull a sub 2:00/2:10 – 500m pace for as long as possible.

[Scale 1 & 2]:

No Change

After Party

* Hold the bottom of your Squat with a Kettlebell for 5 Minutes.

You choose the weight, find something that keeps you well balanced and allows for good position.


Accumulate as much time as possible in the squat for 5 minutes.

Kettlebell Squat Hold (No Measure)