Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter
3 Sets of:
5 DB Strict Press (Each Side)
:20 Side Plank (Each Side)
20 Air Squats
:20 Hollow Hold
Weight: Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you
to complete large sets and move for the majority of each minute.
No Dumbbell? Use an odd object you have around the house.
A water jug with a handle would work great for this workout…
just don’t drop it… Be creative!
Burpees: Squat thrust (burpee without the push-up portion).
** If you need additional help scaling please reaching out to the coaching staff. **
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds of:
1 Min. MAX DB Goblet Squats
1 Min. MAX Sit-Ups
1 Min. MAX 1-Arm DB Hang Power Cleans
1 Min. MAX Burpees
1 Min. MAX 1-Arm DB Push Press
REST 1 Min.