Saturday 032120

Albany CrossFit – Albany CrossFit: WOD – (Be)tter

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3 Sets of:

1 Min. Double Under Practice

:30 Spiderman Lunges

:30 Glute Bridges

:30 Push Up to Downward Dog


Air Squats: If unable to squat, sub lunges (if possible), dumbbell or odd object deadlifts, or sit-ups.

Running: Row 400m, Bike 1,000m, or substitute Double or Single Unders. If doing single unders, start at 50 reps then add 10 reps each round from there.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

25 Min. AMRAP:

10 Air Squats + 400m Run

20 Air Squats + 400m Run

30 Air Squats + 400m Run

Continue to add (10) Air Squats per round.

Count the run as 4 reps for the full 400m run (300m=3, 200m=2, 100m=1)

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